What does the "Block" function do?
The block feature has the aim to respect the member's privacy.
Using this option you can choose who will be able to contact you or not.
If you have someone in your contact list and do not want to talk to her/him anymore, then you can choose to block her/him.
After you block a member, she/he will not be able to write you internal e-mails or chat with you.
When you block a member, no e-mail or notification will be sent by our Team to notify the blocked member that you do not want to contact her/him anymore.
You can only block the members that are in your "Contact list".
Exclusively members that you've made contact before.
Therefore, if you make the blocking procedure and there is no option to block the member, then the member is not your contact.
In order to block a member, please:
1) log in, 2) click the 'contact' list 3) find the member on the list or search for it directly by 'search' 4) open its profile 5) Click the button 'Block' 6) the system will ask you again, if you really want to block the user. Finaly can't it write you internal emails or chat with you. 7) press the button 'Block' to block it. You can also press the 'Cancel' button if you do not want to block the user.
How to remove a member from the "Block list"?
If you desire to reestablish the contact with the blocked member, then you can delete her/him from your "Block List".
In order to do so, please:
a)Log in; b)Click "Block List" - it is in the main menu in the right side of login page; c)Click "Unblock"
Then, the member will automatically return to your "Contacts" list.