How can I delete my profile?
In order to delete your profile, please:
1 - Log in 2 - My membership 3 - Delete profile 4 - Yes, I confirm that I want to delete my membership.
We thank you for the time you spent with us.
How can I add a "Comment" to my profile?
If you wish to add a comment to your profile, please:
1 - Log in 2 - "My profile" 3 - Write the comments in the empty box 4 - "Save changes"
Remember that just like the pictures, all comments are reviewed by our editors, therefore, can take a few minutes to be released.
How can I prevent my profile from appearing in the search result?
If you do not desire to have your profile shown in the site to all the members, you can choose to deactivate it.
With this option, your profile is not shown in the search results, except when typing in directly your user ID; your profile is not shown in the partner proposals; you are not shown online, except to the people that you have in your contact list.
To deactivate your profile, please:
1 - Log in 2 - "My membership" 3 - "Deactivated" 4 - "Save changes"